Superspace is an additional dimension that exists beyond the realms of time and space.
The dimensionality of this space is found to be ten. However, when time is added to the ten spatial dimensions (sometimes even including two time dimensions), the spatial dimensionality expands to eleven or twelve. Superspace is commonly defined as the combination of dimensions necessary to construct our universe. Therefore, this object serves as a visual representation of superspace or a new dimension. It manifests within our three-dimensional space as well as the four-dimensional temporal space, possessing audiovisual characteristics.
Undark festival
Materials: Plastic, LED panels, video projection, 3x2m
Location: Uktus mountains, Yekaterinburg, Russia
Given the intangible nature of space, an abstract form was selected to represent it. The video projection, displayed on three-dimensional sculptural forms, highlights the unique features of superspace. It incorporates elements such as equations from string theory, digital artifacts, and visual depictions of Calabi-Yau spaces.
Undark festival. 2019
Materials: Plastic, LED panels, video projection, 3x2m
Location: Uktus mountains, Yekaterinburg, Russia
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